Hello oh ye people of Blogville.
Thanks for always swinging by and leaving comments and if you have not been leaving comments…well here is a wonderful hint!
I usually do Entertainment News, and have my fill with Naija stuff, but today, I am going international.
Now, I do not usually go international, but sometimes, you just have to sit up and say, ‘WHAAAAT?’
You know, like in those moments when Mariah Carey decides that now that she is out of rehab and about to get into the third phase of a slamming career, the only other thing she needs, is NICK CANNON. And not as a boyfriend, but as a husband she married after a whirlwind romance in the Bahamas.
Okay, noone should tell me I am crazy again because I always meet guys and want to marry them the next week. I mean, if Renee and Mariah and Britney can do it, what more proof do I need that it is the sane thing to do?
And while we are international, here is heartwarming news.
From the SPICE GIRLS to those five guys that rap, the comeback has become the new music ‘do’.
But I have strangely been unmoved.
Until now.
For I must admit.
Way before I knew what a ‘crush’ was, they were my first.
Thanks for always swinging by and leaving comments and if you have not been leaving comments…well here is a wonderful hint!
I usually do Entertainment News, and have my fill with Naija stuff, but today, I am going international.
Now, I do not usually go international, but sometimes, you just have to sit up and say, ‘WHAAAAT?’
You know, like in those moments when Mariah Carey decides that now that she is out of rehab and about to get into the third phase of a slamming career, the only other thing she needs, is NICK CANNON. And not as a boyfriend, but as a husband she married after a whirlwind romance in the Bahamas.
Okay, noone should tell me I am crazy again because I always meet guys and want to marry them the next week. I mean, if Renee and Mariah and Britney can do it, what more proof do I need that it is the sane thing to do?
And while we are international, here is heartwarming news.
From the SPICE GIRLS to those five guys that rap, the comeback has become the new music ‘do’.
But I have strangely been unmoved.
Until now.
For I must admit.
Way before I knew what a ‘crush’ was, they were my first.
Yes people, the NEW KIDS ON THE BLOCK are back!
Oh Lord help us.
I am ‘HANGING TOUGH’ but that is just till I see them because they surely are, ‘THE RIGHT STUFF’. The new single, ‘SUMMERTIME’ is out now and I can’t wait to see Jonathan, Donny, Joey, Danny and Jordan, again!
Just so you know by the way…
JONATHAN KNIGHT is the oldest ‘kid’ and is now a Real Estate Developer.
DONNIE WALHBERG is not only an actor, but is also MARK WAHLBERG’s brother. You know, MARKY MARK?
DANNY WOOD has worked as a music producer
JOEY McINTYRE embarked on a solo career (anyone remember, ‘DON’T U EVER WISH U WERE SOMEONE ELSE, U WERE MEANT TO BE…’Yes, he sang the hit single, ‘STAY THE SAME’) and also got some acting roles!
JORDAN KNIGHT is Jonathan’s younger brother and he continued to make music.
Okay, I had to do research on this by googling all of them and I am kind of drooling all over the keyboard now so you might as well just check out
or http://www.google.com/
Ah, but we are all grown up now oh!
Am I really calling this ‘Entertainment News’?
For I might as well have called it, ‘NKOTB REUNION NEWS AND OTHERS’
Ah well!
Just so you know though…
‘MADE’, the magazine for Made Men, will be throwing a party on Saturday the 10th of May. Now only is it a launch party, but it will be the debut of the specially written song by Storm artistes (Ikechukwu, Naeto C and GT the Guitarman), plus, the video shot last weekend.
We happened to be backstage at the video shoot at a private beach, directed by someone I worked with on the Apprentice Africa.
We can’t wait for the party, and watch out for the gift bags; we hear they may feature some ‘THESE GENES’ goodies!
Okay people of blogsville, as I have now taken to referring to you.
Read the next blog, the one on things I am loving at the moment (yes, still with that darned diva attitude jare) and leave your comments to let me know what you are loving.
We are off now to watch 9ice on Star Quest!
Thanks for your thoughts! I really enjoyed your take on NKOTB!! I am a huge fan of theirs and I hope they rule the pop charts this year!